How To Appeal a Board of Veterans' Appeals Decision

An Appellant must have a final decision from the Board of Veterans' Appeals (Board) before appealing to this Court. (The VA regional office is not the Board of Veterans' Appeals.)

If you are not sure of the status of your claim at VA or the Board, please call the Board status line at 800-827-1000.

Required Steps for Filing an Appeal:

1. The appellant must file a written Notice of Appeal (NOA) that includes all of the following information:

  • A. Current name
    B. Current address
    C. Current telephone number
    D. Current e-mail address (if available)
    E. VA claims file number
    F. Date of Board decision being appealed

The NOA must be received by the Court not later than 120 days after the date on which the Board mailed the notice of the decision to the last known address of the appellant.

Please Note: The date stamped on the front of the BVA's decision is the date it was mailed.

File the NOA with the Court by mail, fax, or e-mail to the following address:

    Clerk of the Court
    United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
    625 Indiana Ave. NW, Suite 900
    Washington DC, 20004-2950

    Fax: (202) 501-5848

    E-mail for self-represented appellants:
    E-mail for represented appellants:

2. A Declaration of Financial Hardship or a $50 nonrefundable filing fee must be received by the Court after an appellant is assigned a case number and no later than 14 days after you send the NOA. Electronic payments may be made through after a case number has been assigned. (The Court will send your USCAVC case number after the Court receives your NOA.) In the alternative, payments may be paid by check or money order payable to "U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims." Do NOT submit both a Declaration of Financial Hardship and a filing fee.

2.a. Pay the filing fee electronically:

Electronic payments through after a case number has been assigned.


2.b. Pay the filing fee by mail:

Mail to:

    Clerk of the Court
    United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
    625 Indiana Ave. NW, Suite 900
    Washington DC, 20004-2950


2.c. File the Declaration of Financial Hardship with the Court by mail, fax, or e-mail to the following address:

    Clerk of the Court
    United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
    625 Indiana Ave. NW, Suite 900
    Washington DC, 20004-2950

    Fax: (202) 501-5848

    E-mail for self-represented appellants:
    E-mail for represented appellants:
    E-mailed pleadings must be in separate PDF files.

Additional Information:

Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Helpline: Toll-Free 855-446-9678
or Email (for assistance with self-represented appeals to USCAVC)